Technology &
Your Smile
A major focus of our mission at Alter & Meru Orthodontics is to seek out the most advanced methods of scientifically proven treatments so that we can provide you with a result you will cherish, and an excellent experience during your smile Journey.
A few of the newer technologies we employ are highlighted below.
Digital Scanning
Do you hate those old playdough-like impressions as much as we do..? Well we've eliminated the vast majority of those in our office thanks to the iTero Digital Scanner. For your initial & final records, and any appliances like InVisalign or the MARA Corrector, we digitally scan your teeth and upload it directly to our labs. No more goop. There are some instances we still take impressions, but it's far less often than before.

3D Radiogrophy
Our iCat FLX V-Series Cone Beam Computed Tomography captures incredible details that traditional 2D radiographs cannot, allowing us to diagnose your treatment much more accurately.

Laser Treatments
If you or your child have a labially impacted tooth or slowly erupting teeth that require exposure, uneven gums that need sculpting, a low hanging frenum that requires a frenectomy, or need a tongue tie removed, we offer those services in our office and at no extra charge beyond what you are already paying for your orthodontic treatment.

Other Technologies
As we move into the remodels at both the Oxnard & Thousand Oaks locations, we are updating and upgrading everything in our offices. You'll be seeing 3D Printers, new communications tools, among many other exciting updates. We can't wait to show you what we have planned!